
Dear Friend!

     All the people living on the planet are on the verge of witnessing Cosmic Changes. All the events which take place now are of a special character. The fate of the peoples on the planet and every individual will be influenced by these Changes.

     The Knowledge of the book is familiar to millions of people in Russia and other countries. This Knowledge is available to everyone who is ready to accept it. This Knowledge is not a result of the imagination of some false guru.

     It was given to the whole humankind through the highly spiritual and educated members of the Roerichs family — people who are respected all over the World.

     Himalayas Mahatmas (Mahatma means Great Soul in Sanscrit) who are genuine Teachers or Masters of the humankind have given the Knowledge on the edge of the coming calamities.

     This Knowledge will be a leading thread or the ray of the lighthouse for those who will accept it. The Knowledge can’t be imposed by force, especially if a person is unwilling to be open to something new because of his ego and sense of superiority.

     Those with the understanding of real Beauty and responsibility for what is going on on the planet will accept this Knowledge. They see all disgusting things which penetrate everywhere and are eager to do something for the planet, for the humankind.

     In the World a lot of people begin to awaken from many centuries sleeping. Millions of people start learning Cosmic Knowledge of Agni Yoga. Thousands of Roerich organizations have been formed in Russia and in other countries. The number of them is increasing.

     The World lives now awaiting Great Changes, which will be neither political, nor economical, but Cosmic.

     More and more people, including scientists, begin to take the Knowledge given to us from Above for awakening hearts and mind as a fundamental principle of Life. They understand that rejecting and opposing this saving Knowledge is equal to committing suicide.

Mikhail Lunev,
the Chairman of the Eastern Roerich
Society URUSVATY, Russia


     That is how we can do our best in helping humankind, and ourselves as well. According to one of the most important Cosmic Laws, only those who give can get a lot. The process of giving should come from the heart, not from the mind.

     According to the Teachings of Agni Yoga, psychic energy is everything, and it is the beginning of everything. It lies in fundamental manifestation of the World.

     Psychic energy is Holy Spirit. Psychic energy is Love and striving. It is synthesis of all nervous emanations. It is great AUM. That’s why the only way to develop this energy is by constant striving towards Light in all it’s manifestations.

     Psychic energy is actually spirituality and with the developing of psychic energy we develop spirituality. But it’s not spirituality of performing rituals or visiting churches, but it is the highest spirituality which lies in reaching the Highest World, in opening one’s highest consciousness, in developing the possibility to use this great power, which is available to everyone, for the sake of evolution and the whole of humankind.

     Psychic energy is the energy which can move mountains, as Jesus Christ said, because there are no blocks for it. It can both create and destroy the worlds. It can cause plunging the whole land masses deep into the ocean and the appearance of new lands. It is in the life and death of everything, what lives and dies.

     Here goes a quotation about psychic energy from the book Chalice Of The East:

      “We should admit the existence of an unlimited force as powerful as a thought and will, as all penetrating as substance of Life. This force is so awful in its explosive strength that, if it could be used as a lever, it could shake the world up to the center, but this force is not God.”

     There are people who have investigated the secret of ruling this force if there is a need. All the so-called miracles are performed with the usage of this great force. The miracles known from the Bible were actually performed with the help of it.

     In every period of the existence of our planet there always have been Highest Beings who, after taking control over this force, use it for the benefit of humankind on the planet. They give the Knowledge about this force only to those who deserve it, who never use the psychic energy for themselves or for hurting others.

     All of us have heard about such phenomena when Indian or Tibetan Lamas are able to sit on the surface of water, to walk on the hot ashes of fire, to spend a night in the open frozen air. They can stop, or even kill, a mad tiger or a dog with the eyesight. All these phenomena are examples of psychic energy’s manifestation.

     Psychic energy is the most subtle energy, and it appears to be the most powerful one simultaneously. It belongs to the Highest World, so it can influence the subtle part of the person!

     Sometimes people would decide that they had come to some kind of certain decision by their own, although they were influenced by subtle thought energy out of space, and it was accepted by their own thinking apparatus. This influence can change the whole life of the person.

     One of the most wonderful features of psychic energy is that it can stay on the things and in space for a long time. A human being is not only a transmitter of Cosmic energy, but he himself is a dynamo machine which creates different kinds of energies. So the quality of psychic energy of a person influences the quality of the things belonging to him.

     All of us have heard about the things which can bring either good or bad, sometimes they can be very dangerous. The reason is in the psychic energy which was stratificated on them. In the Teachings of Agni Yoga it is said that the stratification of psychic energy can last during thousands of years.

     Ancient people in Atlantis, Egypt, in Palestine, knew these features of psychic energy and they used their knowledge for different purposes.

     Miraculous icons of Christian and Buddhist tankas are terafims, which can heal the people because they have stratification of the wholesome psychic energy of the people who have prayed in front of them.

     The famous case of opening the tomb of Tutankamon proves the power of psychic energy stratificated on things. All of the people who took part in the opening of the tomb died under strange circumstances because the tomb was terafim. The ritual of incantation was performed over the tomb. It said that everyone who would disturb Tutankamon must die. So, the Agni Yoga Teachings recommend to be very careful while buying ancient things for your house, because we are not aware of the energies on these things.

     The people wonder if there is a need to develop and accumulate psychic energy. It is difficult to imagine that every person was given a possibility of using psychic energy, but how different was their way they treated psychic energy.

     It is difficult to realize the abyss into which the people who don’t use a gift of psychic energy can fall down. Those who investigate their inner selves, their destination and who are able to use all potential of psychic energy can ascend without limit to the level of manifested God. But those who don’t accept this law of evolution will go down in their involution to the lowest level. This is an enigma of Life and Death. Here lies the solution of the choice — either savior or death. There is something to think over for everyone.

     Many people now-a-days yield to the temptation of using psychic energy for their own egoistic purposes. They like to demonstrate «miracles» and different tricks, so they direct the energy to the negative side, under the influence of dark forces. Not so many people are able to avoid this influence.

     There are many temptations on the way in order to hide the most precious energy, and give an awful substitute instead. It is not easy to develop psychic energy. It means real spirituality.

     Now-a-days there is a great danger of substitution of natural development of psychic energy by artificial methods suggested by false masters, false gums, who promise a very fast achievement of high level. What people achieve here is such a phenomena as psychizm, which has nothing to do with spirituality.

     For example, many people in Russia know about it, but in many countries the phenomena of possession is considered to be something extraordinary high.

     Connection or channelling with entities of very low layers of Subtle World, who pretend to be Teachers of High Level is quite common. The people are proud of different ranges they give to each other, considering in their blindness that they work under the protection of the Highest Rays. They don’t understand that they are influenced by dark forces and are trapped by them. That is the result of rejecting forces of darkness, that is the result of destructive ignorance.

     According to the Laws of the Universe, a human being can succeed in his evolution only if he lives and acts in tune with them. Otherwise he can be destroyed by them.

     All cosmic forces are at service for people. Psychic energy is the most powerful of all, and psychic energy of a man is the energy of a thought which rules all others. We can understand why Great Masters of Wisdom, those who really Lead the mankind, don’t reveal to the people secrets of seizing psychic energy, because of the moral and spiritual levels of people. This energy can bring a lot of calamities.

     Atlanteans knew some secrets of psychic energy, but Atlantis disappeared. So, before developing psychic energy one needs to get rid of hypnosis, of ancient error, that a man can reach Divinity without striving to perfection. What they need is faith in the existence of Good Forces, which will bring to the gate of paradise every sinner who has repented.

     In Agni Yoga books one can find a lot for investigating psychic energy. Not only practical advice, but warnings are Given. We are on the edge of Events when people will run away in horror from the spatial Fire which will clean the planet, but it will be too late. The Teaching of Agni Yoga is especially important now because it prepares people for the coming Events. It gives Knowledge how to control this great power in order to be able to oppose the great danger of the coming spatial Fire.

     Doubt as well as fear are products of ignorance. An ignorant person wants to see everything with his own eyes and to touch everything with his hands. He forgets that many highest notions can’t be proved by the usual ways.

     Psychic energy plays the main role in the question of health or disease. If a person possesses psychic energy, it can prevent him from many diseases. It will help to overcome any disease. The energy which was not used will bring a person to different complications. The absence of psychic energy will lead to some diseases.

     Cancer is a curse of humankind and will increase. The main measures against cancer are profilactive. Those who don’t eat meat or drink wine, who don’t take drugs or smoke, who like milk diet and cleanse their stomachs can forget about cancer.

     The life itself must become healthier. Very often doctors notice that the most dangerous disease can go into remission quite suddenly. One can guess that may be good medicine, or some other circumstances are the reason for this. But the people forget about the main reason which can bring unexpected results. It is psychic energy which can influence the ill person in the best way.

     From ancient times the Great Masters of the World taught about the necessity to recognize the inner self. They taught that Divinity is inside of us and one can access it only with effort. Many people have already awakened and are ready to access this force. One can climb the ladder of perfection only with good thoughts and pure heart and maintaining a constant connection with the Highest World and Highest Leaders of humankind.

     This great power is a double-edged sword, or a stick with two ends. If a person who has accessed psychic energy tries to hurt someone, then he will be struck 10 times more and for many centuries he will be thrown back in his evolutionary development. The Great Master says in Agni Yoga:

     “Quite recently We Visited very often Western cities. Some people felt something extraordinary about us. We were attacked by requests to give methods of psycomechanics and the most exact formulas. Demanding this Knowledge the people didn’t bother about the quality of their consciousness and physical abilities for accepting it. It’s so sad to see such an importunance without any social striving to help.”

     So, in order to develop the highest power which is so important now, one would keep in mind two conditions:

     1. Awareness of psychic energy.

     2. Awareness of Hierarchy.

     This is the only way of accumulating psychic energy. We shouldn’t imagine Hierarchy to be something abstract. We should recognize it as the strongest lifegiver. Esoteric Knowledge explains that all great calamities and giant catastrophies by the disconnection between humankind and the Highest World — the Hierarchy of Light Forces.

     It’s quite natural when some part of mankind looses connection with the life giving source, it must die. All the humankind is like branches of a giant tree. Hierarchy of the Light Forces is the trunk of the tree. Every nation can live and prosper while it is nourished from the source — the trunk. This is the Law of Life.

     Actually, can we say that the governments of humankind have connection with Hierarchy of Light Forces? Are many people aware of their existence? The answer is no. That’s why most part of the Western world can be considered to be a dry branch.

     People now-a-days are mostly busy with opposing each other and fighting with each other. Rivalry and competition, fraud and everlasting wars — that’s what flourish in the World! The so called “great technical progress” which is the thing of a special pride of many people in the West, is one of the most powerful meanings of annihilation of mankind.

     Those who adore Western type of technology have no idea that only by the efforts of mankind’s greatest enemy — the prince of darkness — development of technology went the wrong way. The people were drawn from spiritual development and were given the most skilful means of self-destruction. All new technical achievements which can serve for the people’s good are used now for military purposes. It so happens that the miracles of technological progress have become miracles of the devil.

     So we see that now-a-days the same Laws of Life are in action as it happened before the great catastrophes in the past. First comes moral decay, then self-destruction and annihilation of each other. The last step is destruction of what is left by natural calamities. The first two acts of this drama of our civilization have been almost completed. The third one — the last — is coming.

     As for the fact that the majority of Western people have no idea about the Spiritual Leaders — the Eldest Brothers of Mankind — this fact can’t be an excuse. The worst thing is that many people don’t want to know, even if they are told about it. Deadly materialism has brought people to the situation when they recognize the things which they can touch with their hands or see with the eyes. It blocks the process of awareness. People from the West can believe in the existence of the Spiritual Leaders of Mankind if only they can get scientific proof. Unfortunately the usual scientific methods can’t be applied in this case.

     Countless expeditions to the Himalayas were organized by governments of different countries during the past centuries. But they never reached the Abode of Light because the Eldest Brothers of Mankind are able to govern the forces of nature. They know those who are striving to them and only let to reach them only those who are searching for genuine Truth and Knowledge, not skeptics or just curious people.

     Those who really want to find the Great Mahatmas, first of all should believe in their existence and accept them with their hearts.

     Great Cosmic Forces have already begun to act. Psychic energy is the most powerful of these forces. But only with the Hierarchy of Light can we access this energy.

     The destiny of our planet is being weighed by the scales of Nemezida. In this competition between forces of Light and darkness everyone should make his choice: whom would you like to follow? Whom are you going to help? Let us think about it again and make our decisions, whether we condemn ourselves to the destruction, or open the gates to the Eternal Life with our hands.

     There is no time for hesitation. We never know the time. Any time, any moment Great Calamities can happen on the planet. They will destroy many countries and continents, for example, England, as it was confirmed by Helena Blavatsky. There is no balance in consuming on the planet. Some countries consume much more material things than others, and the resources are not endless. The time has come when all of us should take responsibility for what we have done. And only those who are in tune with evolutionary current can survive. Only those who want to help evolution.

     Cosmic Knowledge confirms that what is happening on the Earth is an exclusion of Cosmos. Nowhere in Cosmos except our planet do evil forces exist and manifest themselves. The main reason of the situation is that the majority of the people on the planet Earth don’t want to accept this genuine Truth.

     The so called “dark forces” try to do the best in hiding the genuine Knowledge. They try to direct the human thoughts to the wrong path, to calm them that everything is O.K. in the World. This is the greatest lie. But examples of Lemuria and Atlantis which were destroyed in giant catastrophies because of spiritual and cultural degradation of the people are very good evidences for the humankind. The theory of material abundance and enjoyment in everything is destructive in many ways.

     If we don’t understand it, then it is like committing suicide. Those who have an open heart, please do try to hear.


Psychic energy
What is Agni Yoga
and why the new Teaching is given?

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