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It is related as follows: "In the life of every man there are so-called lucky days marked by an unusually good mood and success in all undertakings. But, along with these, there also occur "dark days" when disappointments pour down as if from a horn of plenty, ill luck follows every step, and all seems to be painted black."

"On this seemingly quite casual factor, Riese1, a German scientist, built a complete scientific theory. Everything in the world, from great to small, says he, is subject to the law of undulatory fluctuations. Likewise, in the life of every man there exist certain rhythms of rise and fall in all his physical and psychic qualities.

"Through experimentation Riese has established that human life is determined by three kinds of rhythms: masculine, which has a period of twenty-three days and which regulates the physical processes in the organism; feminine, with a period of twenty-eight days, which deals with manifestations of the soul; and, finally, the rhythm of the sympathetic nervous system, which governs the mental processes. These rhythms form special curves — either rising, and then all our faculties and qualities manifest themselves most vividly, or falling, when body, soul, and brain work haltingly and unsatisfactorily.

"These fluctuations do not depend upon any external factors, even illnesses do not affect them, and they always, for everybody, preserve their lawful order. Riese even attempts to calculate a life curve for every person and foretell in advance those days when he will be what is popularly called, lucky, and those days when it is better not to undertake anything.

"Riese, with the assistance of a well-known sportsman, Trossbach, tested his theory upon people who are active in sport, and with its help he formulated why certain sportsmen, not depending on any training, either suddenly reveal great attainments and beat all records, or just as suddenly fail and lose to their far more weak rivals. Riese calculated the life curve of the famous German runner, Peltzer, and proved that during the sports competition in Germany, which preceded the Olympic international games, this curve indicated a definite rise. As is known, Peltzer at that time established a record. Yet, at the time of the Olympics in Los Angeles, Peltzer's curve went down, and therefore he ran much worse than usual.

"Scientific circles as yet refrain from forming opinions about Riese's theory, but sports circles in Germany are greatly interested in it and intend to start mass experiments for its verification."

Of course, Dr. Riese's reports are of interest-not only in relation to sport. These waves could be studied equally from the standpoint of the influence of thought. In this, not only is the thought of the subject himself of significance, but also the thoughts of surrounding people.

There probably could have been found whole groups of volunteers ready to continue the initial observations of the researcher, and also observations from the standpoint of reactions to thought. With certain attentiveness and, of course, absolute honesty it would be possible to record remarkable mutual reactions. One can see curious interactions affecting the rise and also the fall. At someone's entrance, the moods of those present droop or perk up. In this maybe thought is acting, and maybe there is another influence.

"Father, it is impossible to live. It is becoming much worse." The priest-confessor said, "I will help you. Go and buy another goat. Then come and see me in three days."

At the appointed time the unhappy man came, completely out of his head and crying, "It is impossible to live this way."

The priest said, "Now, sell those goats."

In a few days the man came and told him that the goats were sold.

The priest asked, "Well, is it better now?"

And the man replied, "Now, we can live."2

And so, because of the counter tactics a psychic relief was brought about.

Now is the time of wide observation of human thought. A multitude of factors, disturbing and complex, invades contemporary existence. If physicians now ponder about mechanical causes, one will likewise ponder about psychic causes.


March 16, 1935

1Prof. Adam Riese (1492-1559) wrote one of the first German books on practical arithmetic.

2A Russian story.

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