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369. The clamor of earth is shocking to the growth
of the spirit.
Yet through fortitude do you proceed to the Gates;
Yet through understanding do you enter
the Gates of Service.
And chiefly, remember the Lotus of Trust
both day and night.
370. Read, and consider how many times even Christ
withdrew into solitude.
Even His Spirit had need of prana.
Observe — the manifestations of each day are full
of deep meaning.
371. Hearken!
For I wish you to approach Me joyous and radiant in the day of the Great Darkness.
It is true —
I have confided much to you,
I have given you dates and warnings,
I have granted you the possibility of victory,
And I have revealed to you
the Secrets of Our Decisions.
You can conquer and attain enlightenment,
But give to Me your offering.
It you are afraid,
Give Me the fear.
It you are in doubt,
Give Me the doubt.
It you are in anger,
Give Me the anger.
And if you give Me a handful of trivial objects,
I will also accept these dusty playthings and recast them in My Tower.
True, if you wish again to make use of your gift in your life,
Do not forget the true worth of him who takes back
what he has once given away.
Thus, I have accepted the tear and the doubt and the anger — this is for Me.
And for you is the path to the Light.
For I wish you to approach Me joyous and radiant
in the day of the Great Darkness — before the Sunrise.
372. I know thee who scratches at the door.
Thou hopest upon the shoulders of a guest to enter
My House.
I know thee.
Thou hast become subtle and resourceful,
Even more resourceful than many of Mine.
Thou hast fastened thy clasps and prepared thy garments.
Thou hast even studied all My expressions.
I hear thee pronounce even Joy.
But here I shall stop thee.
Thou dost not dare pronounce the joy of love.
Thy joy is the joy of hatred.
But behind hatred is hovering the loathsome shadow of doubt.
And doubt is not worthy of a shield.
I will receive thy arrows in My Shield.
But if thou wilt persist,
I will send thee with a smile — but one.
373. Truth is wrung from the lamentations of the body.
Though the horseman spur his steed,
Yet will wings carry him more speedily.
374. Why has the earth been laid waste?
Why has the temple been overthrown?
The father's anger will pass.
The morning bird is ready to sing out the dates.
The prophecy of days is being fulfilled.
Arid filled to the brim are the chalices of the Archangels.
Hallowed be the Name of the Lord!
People will rise up by the spirit.
The essence of the miracle is simple:
Love is the miracle. Beauty is the miracle.
375. When clouds overcast the sky
and lightning flashes,
Is it not better to remain within the walls of the house?
Though rain penetrate the shutter,
Still there will be no danger.
If you will know — there is experience of action,
there is experience of silence.
When I say act, exhaust all the resources of action.
When I say silence, seek all the means of silence.
And if the experience of action is lengthy,
the experience of silence is briefer.
And therefore act through silence.
But if you desire to display the force of action,
Gather the children — those of the future.
And in action with children you will not be ensnared
in the prepared traps.
Short is the time and you know the dates.
I said it.
376. The best remedy, the best weapon,
is your realization of Our Care.
Being affirmed in union with Us, you will proceed invincibly.
Displaying the example of achievement,
you will grow to the stature of giants.
Some are terrified at the destruction, some rejoice at it.
But for you each fallen wall is only the pathway to Light.
377. I will show My Shield to him who is on the way.
I will show it to him who smites each manifestation of selfishness.
I will show it to him who keeps an appointed dale.
I will show it to him who senses the path of Service.
I will show it to him who covers his tent with My Name.
I will show it to him who bears his shield aloft.
I have revealed to you My Will — do not transgress it.
I will lead you; turn not away nor rend the web of achievement.
378. One may gaze only into the future.
And so it is necessary to turn only to the children.
Only in them is the lawful beginning of the work.
Revealing the new path, only in children will you find the power of confidence.
379. Amid stings does the heart of the dawn pass.
Reflect, reason, and spread the nets.
Hearken to the audible Command.
A miracle cannot be undone,
Nor can the summoned ones be expelled from their home.
And thou who knowest the course of the Luminaries, give way!
For I know thee, sower of confusion of thought.
I say to thee — away with thy arrogance!
380. It is often better to defer a decision until the morning.
The morning is permeated with prana.
After sundown it is harmful to remain tense.
Evening is a time to tender one's gift.
Morning is the hour of cognition.
381. Who hath said that one must renounce madly?
Madness doth so remain.
One thinks — already have I renounced.
Another thinks — I gave up and have approached nearer.
A third thinks — I gave up and already merit much.
But all their gifts are in the stormy depths.
We cannot renounce the possessions of another.
We cannot give away what we received for safe-keeping.
If one entrust unto a friend to safeguard one's property,
And returning, one ask it again, what shall the friend feel?
Only joy that he could return what he has guarded.
Therefore, rejoice and pray:
O Lord, Thou gavest me Thy Benevolence to safeguard.
Thou hast taught me how to guard It.
And now teach me how to return
that which I have guarded at Thy Call, O Lord.
Rejoice — I am guarding.
382. Like elephants crossing the forest, crushing the
bushes and sweeping aside the trees,
So walk in the Great Service.
Therefore, know how to fight.
Many are called to the Knowledge,
But to few are opened the secrets of Our Decisions.
Therefore, know how to fight.
Thou shalt see how My Shield is defamed.
Thou shalt know how My Treasures are counterfeited.
Then shalt thou raise thy sword.
Therefore, know how to fight.
Chiefly, beware of treason and lightmindedness -
Out of levity is born treason.
383. The appearance of doubt destroys one's armament.
Each shaky stone unsteadies the tower.
384. My Hand is above only the steadfast ones.
Weakness and lightmindedness foster treachery.
Treason is judged not by its causes but by its effects.
Each one is tree, but judgment runs according to deeds.
Initiation is not to be sought through savagery,
One must assure good fortune through labor.
The hour draws near when the Commandment is to be fulfilled.
The hour is decided; in it will be manifested to the
world the shield of the Law.
The night hour of confirmation and the day of
reasoning will bring joy.
Sent is the hour of understanding of the Scroll.
Sent is the hour of Testimony.
Manifested is the wing of the Archangel.
On it is the inscription of Peace.
The Heavenly Forces bear witness with Us.
It has been decreed to acquaint the nations with the New Word — Love.
385. It is time to ponder about the New World.
My Precepts disclose the doorway of action.
Madly do people rush about, not knowing the future.
Doomed crowds are hastening to destruction.
Their course is bearing them to the abyss.
Observe the strivings of the madmen.
Revealed is an abyss of new transgressions.
Obvious manifestations fail to alarm
the brains of the half-witted.
To the fool the time is an empty one,
But grave it is for those who discern the Light.
386. I urge you to develop the will — it aids the flight of arrows.
The will is the bow-string of the consciousness.
I see clouds over Europe -
The Abyss has shown its depths.
387. One must needs understand the time.
One cannot show a humdrum face
when the very mountains are atremble.
388. Examine even the resounding stones under your feet.
For on them may be found traces of My Coming.
Waiting ones, waiting ones,
Even you may not recognize the hour of My Coming.
As the waiting is not easy,
I will give signs, and help.
I shall not come in the night.
And in the hours when the rays of the sun
do not reach the Earth,
Let thy spirit calmly rise to the Abode of the Creator.
I shall tell thee how to wait in the hours of day.
Not with hymns nor with exultation await Me,
But by strengthening thy labor in My Name.
Not in sleep nor during the repast,
But during labor shall I acquit My beloved ones.
In the morning, repeating the seven words, say:
Help us lest we pass Thy Labor.
And repeating My Name,
and asserting thyself in My Labor,
Thou wilt attain My Day.
Cherish and read My Words.
In these sorrowful days you will be vindicated by labor.
And through action will you be exalted.
And by My Name will you attain.
I said it.
389. Not the factory, but the workshop of the spirit
will renovate the world.
Like wallpaper pasted on by people,
that which has closed up the pores of life
will be washed away by a torrent
of stern Benevolence.
390. And so in labor shall you meet Me:
But where are the proofs of labor?
Speed, decisiveness and self-sacrifice.
But with speed and decisiveness one may also approach the abyss.
Therefore, add also wisdom.
Ask yourself in the morning, beginning your day,
What you can add to the entrusted work
that My Name should permeate all your deeds -
And should enter not as obstacle but as affirmation;
Not averting, nor complicating,
but as a part of your decisive thoughts.
So, labor wisely and, accepting the Shield of My Name,
You will conquer all that obstructs the ascent.
This is the advice for immediate application to the work.
And so, precisely and simply I say:
Read and understand more closely My Teaching,
without losing the given dates.
My Hand be with you.
391. Remember how necessary it is to keep the Covenant;
Especially at a time of world-wide commotion.
Count the days until you will pass safely
through the conflagration.
I offer you My Hand and I will conduct you scatheless.
But be sensible and reject not the Hand.
After My Indications you yourself will apprehend the dimension of the fire.
It is shameful not to perceive the boundary of the New World.
It is shameful to trail at the end of a gallows rope.
Let the new sun shine in the window!
392. The tail of disobedience drags a long way behind.
393. Manifesting neither love of motherland nor deeds of valor,
They march, driven by fury-Pure morals are swept by fire.
The hand can hold only a gun.
But what of the Divine Image?
Befitting to It is the New Beauty.
394. He who is safe and sound remembers
with gratitude what has happened!
The strong one looks into the future with sword upraised.
The wise one perceives the coining task.
The beautiful in spirit thrill at the harmony of the World.
Seek the explanation of the rises and plunges of
the spirit in the shuddering of the planets.
The world is one in the consonance of spirit.
The wondrous gift of receptivity is natural
to all rational beings.
But knowing these currents
We do not call them oppressive -
We seek new work beyond their range.
The moon by night, the sun by day.
Even the stupid dispose of life according to these luminaries.
Boundless is the World, countless the colors of the Light.
Immersed in Its harmony, the spirit sings the song of all hearts.
Therefore, rejoice if you can sense it.
Devoid of effectiveness is the slumbering spirit.
395. Respect the principle of Hierarchy.
In Brotherhoods great and small, all actions
are given through the Elders.
There may be teachings and inspirations,
but actions originate from One Source.
Await not gifts but gather treasures.
I can give thee all the pearls of the world,
But what wilt thou do with this treasure?
Thou wilt find the most iron-bound, the most musty,
the most tomb-like vault, and the gift will die.
But it will be different if under My Hand thou wilt
thyself string from human souls a necklace of pearls,
And wilt thyself match their size and value.
Look for the new ones — they are appointed and directed.
But do not neglect their knocks.
396. One should treasure every hour of My Work.
One must grope and find the doorway to Light.
397. One should show reverence for the Guiding Hand by one's actions.
You can increase your strength by realizing the Shield.
Arriving at the crossroads, take only the new path.
My judgment is ready, but muster all resourcefulness
and avoid wasting energy.
The river must be nurtured by rivulets,
not littered with trash.
Clouds have become thickened;
One must not condense them still further.
You may understand — truth is simple.
Learn to hearken to the Teacher.
398. Chiefly, act not through anger
but through indignation of the spirit.
The fire of anger leaves only holes in the web of the Universe.
But if you act in indignation of spirit,
Defending the Name of the Lord and the power of your Teacher,
Then even blows shall be forgiven.
Therefore, choose in all things between the fire of
anger and the purifying flame of the spirit's indignation.
399. Wisdom grows not by centuries but by hours.
When countries merge in an instant,
When prison walls are crumbled, remain steadfast.
400. If you could remember the ecstasy of the spirit freed from evil,
You would rejoice, not mourn!
The spirit burdened with wickedness cannot rise.
But liberated righteousness flies away
into the radiance of the Light.
401. Only those bearing a stone in the heart
can violate the joy of the spirit.
The wings of happiness are granted only
to those uplifted in thought.
Needless are crowds and hordes -
One can attain by the lone flight of the spirit.
The manifestation of unity vanquishes hordes.
402. But you proceed along the path
because you are aflame with service.
I send you a manifestation of strength because your path is long,
And many are the stones near strange gates.
Yet you have already seen the color of My Ray,
And, going with Me, you have already mastered the Luminaries.
Unity is a great force.
403. When the great path has been designated,
One must carefully avoid deviations.
404. Each one by himself, each in his own way;
Yet all of one spirit in the endeavor not to spill the chalice.
Remember, friends, how we alter place and time in life.
If one labors for humanity, one must change places,
Because oppressive is the breathing of the people.
405. Your book will give joy to many,
Yet even the printer will bring some pain;
For annoyances are countless.
406. Visions are only a detail;
The world is not built by telephone.
407. To see the fire of harmonious hearts,
carrying out the task of the Creator,
is a wonderful realization.
408. Precious is the flame of the heart.
Ebb and flow guide the orbit of the Earth.
The same drop functions in both phenomena.
Worst of all is stagnant water,
Because it holds decomposition and serves not as a manifestation of energy.
409 One need not expend energy twice where the blow has been prepared.
It is not ordained to describe the Brotherhood.
How can the blind describe an apple blossom
or the height of a tower?
Where the heart has been reduced to ashes,
There the harp strings are broken.
410. Wherein wilt thou affirm the measure of thy works?
If thy deeds be useful to the world, then is their measure great.
Wherein wilt thou affirm the quality of thy works?
If thy deeds benefit humanity, then is their essence good.
411. Know how to understand repose between actions.
In this respite lies the accumulation of force.
412. Fear not, for what has been well planned will endure.
413. Speak not evil and do not curse.
For the hail of curses falls painfully
upon the head of him who spouts it.
Learn to defend My Name and My Works against traitors.
For you will meet with many opportunities to put an end to slander.
This is a time for action, and Our Trust is with you
414. One must forgive people their failure to understand.
Good people are often guilty of faulty judgment.
It is essential to be lenient with beginner's mistakes.
415. Avoid places where anger and disunity are displayed.
Beclouded is the people's imagination.
Learn to pass above the hands which drag one downward.
Seated in a boat, one-thinks not about the house-key.
416. What is let slip by will not return.
The night thinks in the night's own way.
417. I give to you the Teaching, karmic messages, indications.
The Teaching is intended for the whole world, for all beings.
The more broadly you comprehend,
the more truly it is yours.
Karmic communications are sent because of care and love for you.
We issue forewarnings, and We enable you to meet
the wave of karma with knowledge.
Therefore, be not surprised it signs about karma
are not always clear to you.
The indications are always understandable,
And they must be carried out without delay.
418. I wish to name your sickness -
it is called occult fever, a manifestation
with which We are well acquainted.
It is increased by fatigue and by changes in the organism.
One must carefully go through this period.
During the battle I covered you with a dense aura.
This is similar to chloroform; afterwards you must rest.
419. Now proceed like elephants,
Knowing that Rays of care and love are above you.
Remember all that is good, and scorn obstacles.
Indeed, you are' right in cognizing the avalanche of
signs which I am sending for the first time and in haste.
And if in the battle you receive scars,
heal them carefully and be not disheartened, you warriors of Light.
420. Already you begin to fly about the world in thought.
Already you begin to vanquish the oceans' span.
Already you know the joy of creating.
Already you sing the ecstasy of making life beautiful.
Already much has been accomplished.
My friends! Why not resolve to pass your whole life as heroes?
And if I say, "You may rest awhile,"
This means that I know, for I guard you.
I said it.
421. Let those who do not know fill space
with outcries and supplications for help.
Those who have reached understanding can assist events.
Do we trouble the long-awaited visitor with personal wishes?
We hasten to open the gates so that the desired one may come in.
Often the hand is outstretched,
But the blind try to reject it.
Therefore, to suppress the conception of children is worse than murder.
Also, it is not right to pile up a complex of one's own wishes.
Before the coming of the guest it is better to ventilate the house, and in quiet,
repeating a prayer, to direct one's eyes to beauty.
Not necessary are countless speculations and designations -
The spirit proceeds freely.
Earth's burden must be lifted.
Layers of effluvia enwrap every cradle.
Blessed is the mother who draws open the curtain
to let in the light, and who offers the first blossom.
In quiet, in beauty, and with a smile,
Await those new ones seeking entry into the world.
422. Help in spirit is the most powerful.
423. As blossoms grow cognitions
and the solutions to the questions of Being.
Prior to a new understanding,
the heart especially aches;
But in a pure place this pain will turn into knowledge.
Fatigue will By away, and the spirit's findings
will rise from the seed like ears of grain.
Beyond the astral are spheres of knowledge
of easy communication with the planes of evolution.
The legend about ascension into heaven has a scientific basis.
424. At present you encounter four types of people:
The first is fighting under Our Shield;
The second fights without protection
yet already is terminating the stream of karma;
The third raves wildly, blinded by the dark veil of its fate;
The fourth comprises the-enemies of the Light.
The first will understand your call.
The second will quiver with expectancy.
The third will stupidly turn the head away.
And the fourth will answer you arrow for arrow.
Therefore, do not reiterate the Teaching.
Each word falls on due ground,
And the destined will be received.
Likewise, do not reject nor deny.
Each judgment is already a manifest action.
What is the sense of denying a fire
when it is already ablaze?
Yet cover the fire and its force will disappear.
Likewise, in contradiction of opinions you gain nothing;
But cover the negative judgment with Our Teaching,
And the entire city of the enemy will be covered
by the cupola of Our Brotherhood, for this dome contains all.
I give you a shelter,
I give you strength,
I give you a path of beauty.
I have spoken.
425. The testing of people is unending.
Tests must be repeated until a design
is fixed in the brain.
It is easier to write on the forehead with the hand.
Truth is better than illusion.
Lofty is the Truth of the Coming World.
426. In order that My new disciples be able
to assimilate My covenant, what has been given
before must be sternly repeated.
Yet each stone cast at you raises your tower.
427. Only time condenses knowledge.
428. In the sacred evening of the Greatest Holy Day,
In the Name of the Universal Symbol, I say to you:
You have been admitted to the task of building the New World.
I say to you: Strengthen your eyes,
that you be not blinded when I reveal a glimpse of the brim of the veil of the Future.
If anxiety arises in you, uplift the shield of devotion;
For by it you will be saved.
And repeat the Covenants — I say to you — repeat.
I have decreed.
I feel that you can understand.
I am speaking about serious matters.
I can raise My Hand for the elect.
I will uplift a shield.
Denarius, child of curse, obstruct not the path of Light!
Denarius, belittle not a pure manifestation.
Regard not the clouds -
Life is joyful for him who has wings.
My Smile will watch over you.
429. The victory of loyalty is assured.
Looking afar you will see the near at hand.
430. I teach you to display Our Triumph
to alien and to petty hearts.
I hold above you, in purity, a wondrous cross.
431. The Teacher sees in a mirror a picture of all your movements.
The manifestation of fatigue surrounds you like smoke.
Yet above your shoulders rays of resolution
pierce the cloud of weariness.
The heads are adorned with rays of silver.
Alien auras crowd at your feet like abutments of a bridge.
The ascension of courage forces alien auras downward with purple arrows.
The blue flame of the heart smites the smoke of weariness.
The labor goes on, and high aloft are the rays' ends.
432. I myself read your thoughts each day.
The Teacher verifies the creativeness of beloved disciples.
And when fatigue closes not the lips,
Discourse flows like a Himalayan stream.
433. The stagnant pool will not swallow up pure thoughts.
Far-reaching compassion stands guard,
But love must be sent.
Fortitude will carry you through,
And the self-sacrificing achievements of the spirit
will be transformed into the fragrance of freesias.
The Wonders of the Teacher will grow.
Amidst the garden of love grow illuminations of the spirit.
Tire Me today; burden Me more,
laying on the weight of the world
Yet will I increase My strength.
Yet will I increase the strength of My daughter,
for she goes into My garden.
Dost thou hear? The burden will blossom as roses,
And the grass will be arrayed with the morning rainbow.
Therefore, tire Me.
When I go into the beautiful garden, I fear no burden.
I ponder, I ponder, I ponder.
434. From the fir tree you can learn;
It is the same in winter and summer.
435. Some will come and say, "We know."
You should reply, "Good! Since you know, return to your home."
Some will come yet more aggressively and say,
"We know who stands behind you."
Say to them, "Good! It you know, you will not speak thus."
Some will come to play dice on the steps
of the Temple, and will cast lots about you.
Say to them, "Pass on, people, lest lightning strike you here."
But here comes one who says to you, "I do not know,
And here I have brought all my possessions with me.
What shall I do with them?"
Say to him, "Cross the threshold. We will find a place
for you at the long table; for if you do not know,
then you shall know."
Therefore, again I say:
Weary Me, lade Me with all the burdens of the world.
I shall not tire, I shall not succumb to fatigue;
For I do not know what fatigue is — I scorn it.
And I ask you to burden Me,
for not otherwise is the garden of beauty reached.
I have spoken.
436. Smile at each belittlement; it is the true sign of a miracle.
437. Seek light for a manifestation of darkness.
The pure will display understanding of the Shield,
for God is with Us!
Through His eternal manifestations
drops of the Sacred World penetrate.
Consider that the treasure of the drops
and the sparks of consciousness
will connect Heaven and Earth as a new bridge.
Being affirmed in illuminations of the sparks,
Let us find a smile.
But mastery is confirmed by realization of victory over self.
Conquering self, the victor will rise.
Therefore, sound the trumpet of victory far and wide;
For God is with Us.
438. A miracle rests better on a cleansed stomach.
Love of the world fits better in a clean brain.
Disdain eating just as you do quarrels.
439. By a single word have evil empires been created.
Will then the Lord's Creation delay
When all the Heavenly Forces have risen?
By decree of the Highest,
Rays penetrate the sphere of the sun.
Waves of the ocean of planets
veil the current of the luminaries.
Ominous and beautiful is the time!
440. A new banner requires new people.
441. He who had arrived ignorant will have been
seated at the table and will be already filled with knowledge.
All is saturated with signs and approaches.
If you wish to commission a passer-by
to carry a message to a neighbor's house,
You say to him, "Friend, give our friends this message."
And often afterward you do not even recognize this messenger.
So, in life, look at what has been brought to you
without being troubled by the appearance of the bearer;
Especially when everything around is filled with signs.
Verily, fortunate are you who know the indication
of approaches and the ordained dates.
Therefore, wait and be joyful.
442. To be a fugitive for a long time is not pleasant.
Dearly do we pay for self-love.
443. Wherefore consider Us as a volcano of passion,
When the freesia is Our favorite flower?
Leave to the enemy the crimson ardor;
More close to Us are the diamonds of the peaks.
Already you see his stratagems.
Ah, how he toils! How can he be convinced
that his building is no more than a prison?
And prisoners are constantly dreaming of escape.
What joy is there in dragging prisoners after oneself?
However, in this argument he is of a different opinion
The obvious Alberichs have accepted his teaching.
444. Indispensable is sacrifice, and the flame of the
offering is like ozone.
Even savages use the holocaust as a crude symbol of the act of offering.
445. In the Name of Eternal Movement,
In the Name of the One Force,
I repeat!
As the roots of the trees become solidly fixed in the earth,
Your knowledge becomes rooted only in time.
Therefore, know the date,
So as not to seize before the appointed time.
That which is seized prematurely and that grasped
belatedly are alike in conclusion and significance.
446. Verily, I say: Even crumbs are useful in Great Service;
One can collect a bowlful of the common work
from yesterday's loaves -
The gift of My Spiritual Instruction.
Your sole defense is in My Name;
Other defenses are of no avail.
It is better to understand this in time.
I have summoned to the construction, and the hands
of My most beloved shield-bearers I have extended.
I have revealed the pathway.
Let the Guiding and Safeguarding Hand be always remembered.
447. Go forward courageously.
448. Wisely We will turn everything for the good.
449. I will assemble the daughters.
Let them help lay out the beautiful garden.
Let them fill the garden to overflowing with new blossoms.
I perceive that one can expect a rapid sprouting of the life of the New World.
450. A world manifestation appears in the miracle of a renewal of life.
My Hand is amidst each day's events.
Happiness it is to view the miracles standing guard like shields.
Sternly do I confirm My Words.
451. He finds the sooner who knows how to conceal.
One can quiet a wave only by a timely pouring of oil.
452. When a maiden strives evenings and nights
to bring good to the world -
When she dreams about the ineffably beautiful
and lofty — is this remote from life?
If these dreams be beautiful,
will not the response to them also be beautiful?
Why seek changes of life?
Why break up the old if a single breath reveals to us a new wondrous region?
Thou hast been terrified before the prison door;
It seemed to thee impossible that the iron door
could be opened.
Yet here I give thee the key.
Learn to turn it just as many times as indicated;
No more and no less than is necessary.
Is the achievement remote?
Wild beasts are not necessary;
Nor are tribunals and warriors -
Achievement is close at hand!
Thou hast brandished the staff, calling the world to battle.
Here comes the world to thee — sharpen the staff.
Useless are false oaths and wrestlings of spirit;
Sacredly canst thou utter the vow of Truth.
Thou who canst see, to thee I give -
Add a drop of My task in the draught,
And dip into the wine of knowledge
the bread of achievement,
Giving nourishment to those who approach.
Joyously ascend the new step of time.

* * * * *
Let us conclude the first book.
New ones will manifest themselves in action.
They will reveal the shield of Beauty,
And, full of love, will open the doors to those who knock.
The earth will sink beneath the feet of the blind,
And the deaf will be destroyed.
I am sending a living spring,
To bathe thine eyes and ears.
And the Miracle will be manifested,
And a Bridge of Beauty will lead on to a new way.
I said it.
They will ask thee how to traverse life.
Answer: Like crossing an abyss upon a taut string -
Beautifully, carefully, and fleetly.