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Nicholas K. Roerich

Nicholas K. Roerich

In Moscow, Nicholas Roerich managed to get permission to explore the Altai, which was of great interest to him.

Together with American friends, the Roerichs went to the Altai, reaching there in August 1926. Thanks to the diary of Sina Fosdick (from the USA; she was one of the first followers of Agni Yoga, who actively helped the Roerich family), we now know numerous details of this part of the expedition’s itinerary.

Here is one notable event described by her: Things like this happened often.

Once the travelers were going in a cart carried by a horse. Suddenly, in one of the dangerous sections of the road, Helena Roerich heard the voice of the Great Teacher: “My son, hold to the left side!” In that moment, Moris, who was sitting on the right side, fell from the cart, fortunately without hurting himself.

From these records we know that in the Altai Helena Roerich was writing and editing the third book of the Teaching, Community. It was published in the capital of Mongolia, Urga (now Ulan-Bator), immediately after the arrival of the expedition. At the same time, Foundations of Buddhism was written and published.

In the beginning of September, the exploration of the Altai was completed and the Roerichs made their way to Mongolia. On the 9th of October, they arrived in Urga.

Here began intensive preparations for the second, very hard pass across the Tibetan plateau. This time, from north to south, to India.

In Urga the Roerichs said goodbye to their American friends, who were going back home, and new people joined the expedition. Among them were Doctor Ryabinin and two girls from a Cossack family, Luda and Raya Bogdanova. The younger of the two sisters, Raya, was only thirteen years old.

In Mongolia, like everywhere along the expedition itinerary, meetings and conversations with everyday people took place. In Urga there was a meeting with the representatives of the Mongolian government. On the 13th of April, 1927, the expedition left Urga, and moved in the direction of Tibet.

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