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Nicholas K. Roerich. “Madonna Laboris”

Nicholas K. Roerich. “Madonna Laboris”

The Roerichs were, for us, a powerful shield against the dark forces. But we began to realize this only after the passing of Svetoslav Roerich. That’s when others appeared, from various places, who said that they were continuing the mission of the Roerichs on Earth by writing new books about Agni Yoga, because the books written by the Roerichs had already become obsolete.

Of course, this is a lie. Such people are either conscious servants of the dark forces, or are themselves being deceived by the dwellers of the Subtle World, who dictate them such texts.

But we know that the Great Teachers have given to humanity all that they wanted to through the Roerichs and their close disciples. In addition to the fourteen books of Agni Yoga, we have the manuscripts of Helena Roerich, which have not as yet been published.

But first one has to apply in their lives the Knowledge given in the books of Agni Yoga. At present there cannot exist any new editions. The cunning track of the dark forces is that they entice people with various false attractions and don’t let them study the real pearls of Knowledge — the ones that were given to us through the Roerichs in the Agni Yoga books.

The Great Teacher has given the Teaching of Agni Yoga for thousands of years, and therefore this Knowledge cannot become obsolete. In our century people are able to understand only a small part of what they will be able to understand in coming centuries as they read the Teaching of the Great Lord of Shambhala written by Helena Roerich.

What is the Agni Yoga Teaching all about? What knowledge did the Roerichs bring to us?

Owing to the Teaching and to the works of the Roerichs themselves, we know that other than the Earth, on which all of us live, there also exist other Worlds, which are invisible to the eyes of an ordinary person. These Worlds are called the Fiery World and the Subtle World. We already know that when a body of a person dies, he or she continues to live in the Subtle World. Every person is able to achieve true immortality through the development of a Fiery body — which allows them to live always in the Fiery World. This means that we become like Gods.

It is neither a fairy tale nor an invention, but the Great Reality, which the Roerichs saw during their visit to Shambhala. They saw these still-invisible Worlds with the help of the Great Teachers, who had achieved the Fiery World a long time ago and are able to live in the three Worlds simultaneously.

Agni Yoga was given to humanity to help it rise to a higher step of development. In the fourteen books of the Teaching, one can read in detail how to achieve this.

The Mahatmas tell us that the purpose of our earthly lives is to gradually advance toward the Divine ideal of beauty and perfection through the development of our spirit and our creative abilities, and deliverance from the bad aspects of our character.

That’s why people incarnate on Earth many times. One can not achieve this goal during one short earthly life.

Dear friends! In a small book like this one, it is not possible to relate all that the Great Teachers have told us through the Roerichs. For many centuries people have been asking themselves why there is so much evil, pain and suffering on Earth. The answer to this question and to many others can be found in the Teaching. The main cause of all the sufferings of a human being is his imperfections.

Many people still do not understand that all of us are closely united with one another. This means that one who thinks only of himself and doesn’t worry about others can never approach the ideal of beauty and perfection, or be really happy, or achieve immortality. It is impossible to be happy if we are taking advantage of other people.

The misfortune of our planet is that the most warlike egoists, who want to build their happiness on the pain and sufferings of the rest of humanity, were formed into an army of dark forces.

They were united and headed by a very powerful Spirit of the past, which had previously been called Lucifer (the one who brings Light). But after his fall, he became known as Satan, or the fallen Angel. Having abandoned the path of Light, he fell from a great height. His growing arrogance, self-esteem and envy of his Brothers — Great Cosmic Teachers, who had achieved more than he brought him to a solitary path and finally to treachery. This treachery turned into a great tragedy for our planet.

His fall serves as an example not only for our planet but also for other worlds of the Cosmos. Things like this happen to those who don’t want to improve themselves and get rid of their imperfections! On the path to perfection, there shouldn’t be interruptions. It is necessary to always move ahead. Interruptions are very dangerous.

To save our planet and humanity, Great Cosmic Teachers came to the Earth from more advanced Planets. They created in the Himalayas an advanced post of the Forces of Light — Shambhala. The elder of them, Maitreya, is now the Lord of Shambhala. He is also known as the Great Teacher Morya.

For many centuries these Great Spirits have been instructing humanity, trying to direct people to the Path of Light and Common Good. All the Great Prophets came from Shambhala, as did their Teachings of Light.

There are no contradictions between the Teachings of Jesus Christ, Buddha, Mohammed, and other Teachers, which is as it should be, because they all came from the same source. Contradictions were introduced by the priests, who did not really understand these Teachings and distorted them, unaware of the fact that many of the Prophets were different Earthly incarnations of the same Great Teacher.

Thus all the religious quarrels about the best and true religion are absurd and dangerous for all of humanity. They provoke religious fights, even though the Teachers and the Prophets have always called people to Love and Brotherhood. One can read all about this in detail in the books of the Living Ethics (Agni Yoga) and especially in the Letters of Helena Roerich.

What is going on today on our planet at the beginning of the third millennium? During the twentieth century a constant Battle raged between the Warriors of Light, headed by the Lord Maitreya, and the camp of the forces of darkness, headed by Satan. This Battle took place in all three Worlds. In our Earthly world it manifested itself in two World Wars and in numerous military conflicts throughout different parts of the planet.

Helena I. Roerich wrote that in the year 1949, Satan was defeated in his personal Battle with the Lord Maitreya and was expelled from our planet forever. But his followers still remain on our planet. They feel their doom and with fervor they fight in order to prolong their sojourn on Earth. It is especially hard now for Russia, as the dark forces have concentrated their main thrust against this country.

In the recent past Russia was prospering, but now people, including children, die from starvation and crimes. Even more terrible is that the unprotected human souls, especially those of children, die from the propaganda of violence, lechery and evil.

Why have the dark ones taken up arms against Russia? Because growing there are the wonderful seeds sowed by the Roerichs. Today in Russia millions of people read the books of the Living Ethics (Agni Yoga), as well as the books about the Roerichs and the Teaching of the Mahatmas. Even children become acquainted with this Knowledge with the help of books that have been written especially for them.

There is not much time left for the dark forces to do their evil deeds. Ancient prophecies have spoken of the Coming, of the fact that the Great Teacher will come to complete the will of the Date and eliminate forever the evil committed by the dark forces. The completion of this prophecy is predestined for the Great Teacher of Shambhala and the Date has come now, in our time.

Little time is left for those to make a choice who still have not refused evil and have not entered the Path of Goodness and Light. All those who continue to persist in evil will be removed from our planet to Saturn. This includes all the dark ones and their servants, no matter under which cover they hide. There they will start their evolution all over again as primitive forms of life. Their souls will be destroyed, because they will have deprived themselves of the right to immortality. Cosmic Laws are immutable and severe but just.

A New World, a new beautiful life on a renewed Earth, waits for those who have already chosen the Path of Light. This world will be without wars, sorrow and violence against people. Human beings will live in friendship and mutual understanding. All the people of the planet will finally feel as friends.

This book is written on the threshold of the Great Coming. The future will show us how Events will develop further. But one thing is certain: the New World — the one without wars and violence, a world of cooperation and brotherhood of all the people of the Earth — will definitely come!

It is predestined that the souls of light on this planet will start to build this New World. So Affirms the Great Lord of Shambhala.

The Roerich family worked expressly for this purpose — to make this beautiful Future happen as soon as possible.

Dear friends! Follow the example of this wonderful family — accumulate Knowledge, work, create good, strive always to Beauty, improve your qualities of spirit, and follow the Path of Light!

You are lucky to have incarnated at the very beginning of the Epoch of Light, and with your own hands create the New World and a new life on our renewed Planet!

Be worthy of this great Mission!

The Roerich family

The Roerich family

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